“I Think It Was The Beer” is a country song about a young man hanging out with his buds at the local watering hole “slingin’ shots and shootin’ pool.” He meets a pretty girl, buys her some drinks and then gets carried away.
“Lady (Gotta Let You Know)” is another county tune that tells the story of a man who walks out on his lady, and later, has second thoughts and wants to come home.
“Let’s Start Over” is a “boy band” about a guy who feels his relationship is losing its passion and wants to start over. A subtle rap is superimposed on the chorus to make this up-tempo song danceable and current.
“Remember” is a rock ballad about a man who feels he has “walked through fire, braved the storm and fought the rain” for his relationship. He wants his partner to remember this and hold on.
“I Think Of Him” is beautiful duet about two people who adore each other from afar and yet are too unsure of themselves to tell the other how they feel.
“I Never Knew” is a song about a person, wounded and disappointed in love, who discovers the excitement and fulfillment of being with the right person.
“You Took Me By Surprise” is a country crossover song about a man who is contented with his life and being alone, when suddenly, someone takes him by surprise.
“After The Things We’ve Done” is a cheating song with all its lies and deception.
“You Are My Mirror (And I Hate You)” is an introspective song about recognizing yourself in others and realizing that they are your mirror.

I Think It Was the Beer
Let’s Start Over
I Think of Him
I Never Knew
You Took Me by Surprise
After the Things Things We’ve Done
You Are My Mirror
© 2023 Linda Herod